Internet Security

Internet Security - Virus Protection

Internet security is the process of protecting data and privacy of devices
connected to internet from information robbery, hacking, malware infection and
Other Viruses , Trojans etc. Computer Viruses spread Mainly through the Internet
when you either browse a website / Install a new program / Email letters etc.
Listed below is some of the frequent high rated threats which might infect your
computer if unprotected

> Trojan horses are simply programs that conceal their true purpose or include a
hidden functionality that a user would not want.

>Worms are characterized by having the ability to replicate themselves and
viruses are similar except that they achieve this by adding their code onto third
party software. Once a virus or worm has infected a computer, it would typically
infect other programs (in the case of viruses) and other computers.

>Viruses also slow down system performance and cause strange system
behavior and in many cases do serious harm to computers.

>Some malware that can be classified as Trojans with a limited payload are not
detected by most anti virus software and may require the use of other software
designed to detect other classes of malware, including spy ware.

Some of the useful tips to protect your Computer

1. Always have an Anti Virus Program Installed , there is wide range to chose

from like Norton , Kasper sky, AVG Anti Virus

2.Do not Ignore a warning from your Virus Software

3.Never Install any Unknown Program before scanning the same for Viruses

and even still if you have any doubts safely exit setup

4.Always scan all Internet Downloaded Attachments before opening the same

5. Be Cautious of any new E mail message received if it is from an unknown

source delete the same without opening.

6. Periodically scan your Computer for Viruses .